World Beauty Standards Logo

An educational resource on what the world finds attractive.

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Ancient Times
1500 - 2000 C.E.
Modern Times

Universal Beauty

Evolutionary psychology believes there are physical traits that all or most people will find attractive, simply because of their biological programming as humans. However, there isn't much consistent evidence to support that theory, and beauty around the world seems to be more derived from cultural and social norms and priorities.

Across the world, across cultures, and across time there are only a few traits that seem to be considered universally attractive, because of biological programming or otherwise.

The first is cleanliness. Being clean and taking care of yourself is commonly held as attractive around the world.
The second is status. When wealth or power is consistently expressed by a physical characteristic within a culture, it becomes bound up in sexual attraction.
The last is fitting in with the "average." The average in studies is consistently rated as more attractive than any exaggerated features, and fitting the average characteristics of the culture you live in is often more attractive than being seen as an "other."

All of the information on this website was from
"Beauty around the World: A Cultural Encyclopedia" by Erin Kenny and Elizabeth Gackstetter Nichols.

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